Explore Ely Minnesota Activies near White Iron Lake
Things to Do
The Ely area offers a wide variety of family activities...fishing, canoeing, hiking, camping, exploring exhibits and museums, mountain biking, photography, golfing, birding, attending festivals and events, or just a relaxing day at the spa. Click on the image to learn about Ely's main attractions. Here's a Calendar of Events!
Places to Eat
What better way to finish a day of fishing or hiking than with a juicy steak, a crisp, uniquely arranged salad, or a delectable dessert? Ely offers an array of cuisine that can satisfy any palate. If you're looking for a place to go after dinner, be sure to check out some of Ely's local bars and brew pubs for good drinks.
Places to Shop
Ely's unique natural surroundings are reflected in the uniqueness of its shops and services. From canoe outfitters to hand-made leather moccasins to a world-renowned nature photography gallery, you can find a range of custom goods and services within easy walking distance of downtown Sheridan Street.